5名"九岁"成员因走私海洛因而服无期徒刑 将近20年后返回澳大利亚 Five "Bali Nine" members, serving life for heroin smuggling, return to Australia after nearly 20 years.
“巴厘岛九人”的五名成员因 2005 年企图走私海洛因而在印度尼西亚监狱服无期徒刑,在近 20 年后已返回澳大利亚。 Five members of the "Bali Nine," serving life sentences in Indonesian prisons for attempting to smuggle heroin in 2005, have returned to Australia after nearly 20 years. 通过外交谈判实现的遣返被描述为一种人道主义姿态,反映了澳大利亚和印度尼西亚之间的牢固联系。 The repatriation, secured through diplomatic negotiations, was described as a humanitarian gesture reflecting the strong ties between Australia and Indonesia. 目前在临时住所的男子将获得政府援助,帮助他们重新融入社会。 The men, now in temporary accommodation, will receive government assistance for their reintegration into society. 该团体的两名领导人在2015年被处决,另一名成员在监狱中死亡。 Two of the group's leaders were executed in 2015, while another member died in prison. 5名获释者被禁止再进入印度尼西亚。 The five released are banned from re-entering Indonesia.