在Mahopany Jackson的绑架、袭击和谋杀案中,八名嫌疑人在阿拉巴马州面临死刑。 Eight suspects in Mahogany Jackson's kidnapping, assault, and murder face the death penalty in Alabama.
亚拉巴马州检察官正在寻求对被控绑架、殴打和谋杀20岁的Mahogany Jackson的八名嫌疑人判处死刑。 Alabama prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for eight suspects charged with kidnapping, assaulting, and murdering 20-year-old Mahogany Jackson. 视频显示Jackson被绑架、殴打和枪击。 Videos showed Jackson being kidnapped, assaulted, and shot. 嫌犯年龄19至25岁,最初被控犯有重罪谋杀罪,但后来改判为死刑谋杀罪。 The suspects, aged 19 to 25, were initially charged with felony murder but have had their charges upgraded to capital murder. 他们被无保证地拘留,并预定被传讯。 They are being held without bond and are scheduled for arraignment.