老鹰队的萨昆·巴克利在比赛中受伤,可能会错过打破单赛季冲球记录的机会。 Eagles' Saquon Barkley, hurt in game, could miss out on breaking single-season rushing record.
老鹰队的跑卫萨昆·巴克利 (Saquon Barkley) 在 27-13 战胜钢人队的比赛中面临未指明的伤病,这可能会危及他追求埃里克·迪克森 (Eric Dickerson) 在 1984 年创下的 2,105 码的单赛季冲球纪录。 Eagles' running back Saquon Barkley faced an unspecified injury during their 27-13 win over the Steelers, potentially jeopardizing his pursuit of Eric Dickerson's single-season rushing record of 2,105 yards set in 1984. Barkley被钢铁党的Minkah Fitzpatrick打中,并短暂检查,但他返回了玩耍。 Barkley was hit by Steelers' Minkah Fitzpatrick and briefly examined, but he returned to play. 剩下三场比赛 巴克利需要418码才能打破纪录 虽然他的伤可能影响他的表现 With three games left, Barkley needs 418 yards to break the record, though his injury could affect his performance.