Courtney Morawski博士,阿肯色州助理主管, 获提名为得克萨斯州学校主管角色的独任决赛选手。 Dr. Courtney Morawski, assistant superintendent in Arkansas, named sole finalist for Texas school superintendent role.
Courtney Morawski博士,现任Fayetteville学校区教学助理总监,被任命为得克萨斯州Granbury独立学校区督学职位的唯一候选人。 Dr. Courtney Morawski, currently the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning at Fayetteville School District, has been named the sole finalist for the Superintendent position at Granbury Independent School District in Texas. Granbury学校董事会的决定要求在正式雇用前等待21天。 The Granbury School Board's decision requires a 21-day waiting period before the official hire. Morawski的举动可能会影响她在Fayetteville和Fort Smith学校区的作用。 Morawski's potential move could impact her roles in both the Fayetteville and Fort Smith school districts. 她的丈夫Terry Morawski博士也定于2025年离开史密斯堡区。 Her husband, Dr. Terry Morawski, is also set to leave the Fort Smith district in 2025.