DP World扩大了印度的铁路货运,将促进可持续物流的能力提高25%。 DP World expands rail freight in India, boosting capacity by 25% to promote sustainable logistics.
位于迪拜的一家物流公司DP World正在扩大在印度的铁路货运业务,在哈里亚纳的Pali码头增加第三条铁路线,使月货运量增加25%。 DP World, a Dubai-based logistics firm, is expanding its rail freight operations in India by adding a third rail line at its Pali terminal in Haryana, increasing monthly freight capacity by 25%. 该公司投资了1,800欧元,用于推动全国各地的铁路基础设施,目的是通过将货物从公路转向铁路来减少碳排放。 The company has invested over ₹1,800 crore to boost rail infrastructure across the country, aiming to reduce carbon emissions by shifting cargo from roads to rails. 这一扩展支持了DP世界加强印度可持续物流的目标。 This expansion supports DP World's goal of enhancing sustainable logistics in India.