丹麦首次使用AI超级计算机Gefion, 储存速度在全球排名第七, 由NVIDIA科技提供动力。 Denmark debuts AI supercomputer Gefion, ranked 7th globally for storage speed, powered by NVIDIA tech.
丹麦新的AI超级计算机Gefion在储存系统方面名列世界第7位,在10个节点的基准中名列第四。 Denmark's new AI supercomputer, Gefion, has been ranked 7th in the world for fastest storage systems and 4th in a 10-node benchmark. Gefion利用NVIDIA技术,在为大型AI项目设计的计算功率和数据管理方面表现优异。 Powered by NVIDIA technology, Gefion excels in computational power and data management, designed for large-scale AI projects. 它位于一个可持续的设施内,以100%的可再生能源运作,将丹麦定位为先进计算机领域的领先者。 Hosted in a sustainable facility, it operates on 100% renewable energy, positioning Denmark as a leader in advanced computing.