联邦聚变系统计划在弗吉尼亚建造世界上第一个电网规模的聚变发电厂,目标是在20世纪30年代初投入运行。 Commonwealth Fusion Systems plans to build the world's first grid-scale fusion power plant in Virginia, targeting operation by the early 2030s.
联邦聚变系统(CFS)是一家主要的聚变能源公司,计划在弗吉尼亚建造世界上第一个电网规模的聚变发电厂,目标是在2030年代初提供电力。 Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS), a major fusion energy company, plans to build the world's first grid-scale fusion power plant in Virginia, aiming to deliver power by the early 2030s. 自2018年以来已筹集超过20亿美元的CFS将与Dominion Energy合作开发该站点. CFS, which has raised over $2 billion since 2018, will collaborate with Dominion Energy for site development. 这个叫做ARC的工厂可以为大约15万个家庭供电,标志着朝着生产无碳能源迈出了重要一步。 The plant, known as ARC, could power about 150,000 homes and marks a significant step towards producing carbon-free energy. 粮安委目前正在研制其聚变示范机器SPARC,预计2026年将生产其第一个等离子体。 CFS is currently developing its fusion demonstration machine, SPARC, expected to produce its first plasma in 2026.