在卡拉马佐附近的雪地I-94上,箱式卡车撞入紧急车辆,造成两名消防员受伤。 Box truck crashes into emergency vehicles on snowy I-94 near Kalamazoo, injuring two firefighters.
12月12日,一辆箱式卡车在卡拉马佐附近的I-94发生撞毁紧急车辆事件,造成两名消防员受伤。 On December 12, a box truck crashed into emergency vehicles on I-94 near Kalamazoo, injuring two firefighters. 坠机发生时,机组人员正在对另一起轮渡事故做出反应。 The crash happened while crews were responding to a separate rollover accident. 箱式卡车司机在下雪时失去控制,击中了三辆消防车和一辆警察巡洋舰。 The box truck driver lost control in snowy conditions, hitting three fire vehicles and a police cruiser. 该事件正在调查之中,对司机的潜在指控将由检察官办公室审查。 The incident is under investigation, and potential charges against the driver will be reviewed by the prosecutor's office.