Jason Chambers上尉分享他的黑瘤诊断 强调保护太阳 "Below Deck Down Under" captain Jason Chambers shares his melanoma diagnosis, stressing sun protection.
美国"下甲板下方"的杰森·钱伯斯船长被诊断为黑色素瘤, Captain Jason Chambers of "Below Deck Down Under" has been diagnosed with melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer. 他在社交媒体上分享他的诊断, 促请球迷使用防晒霜和寻求遮阳, 保护自己免受太阳有害的紫外线照射。 He shared his diagnosis on social media, urging fans to protect themselves from the sun's harmful UV rays by using sunscreen and seeking shade. 曾忽视太阳保护的太阳崇拜者Chambers现在强调早期发现和预防皮肤癌的重要性。 Chambers, a sun worshiper who previously neglected sun protection, now emphasizes the importance of early detection and skin cancer prevention.