阿塞拜疆官方在巴库国际气候会议期间赞扬媒体的专业精神。 Azerbaijani official lauds media professionalism during international climate conference in Baku.
阿塞拜疆媒体发展局执行主任赞扬该国媒体在最近于巴库举行的COP29气候会议上表现出的专业精神。 Azerbaijan's Executive Director of Media Development Agency praised the country's media for their professionalism during the recent COP29 climate conference hosted in Baku. “媒体扫盲”会议凸显了该国日益增长的国际影响力以及媒体扫盲的重要性。 The "Media Literacy" conference highlighted the nation's growing international influence and the importance of media literacy. 这次活动是媒体扫盲周的一部分,聚集了专家和约500名青年,讨论改善媒体扫盲和打击虚假信息问题。 The event, part of Media Literacy Week, gathered experts and around 500 youth to discuss improving media literacy and combating disinformation.