美国最高法院受理了对前纽约中校的贿赂案件 布赖恩・本杰明 继续前进。 US Supreme Court lets bribery case against former NY Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin proceed.
美国最高法院拒绝听取前纽约政府中校的意见。 The US Supreme Court has declined to hear former New York Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin的上诉, 允许他的联邦贿赂指控进行。 Brian Benjamin’s appeal, allowing his federal bribery charges to proceed. Benjamin被控为开发商的非营利活动获得50 000美元国家赠款,以换取竞选捐款。 Benjamin is accused of securing a $50,000 state grant for a developer's nonprofit in exchange for campaign contributions. 最高法院的裁决维持下级法院的裁决, 将Benjamin的案件发回审判。 Despite arguments that prosecutors failed to show an explicit quid pro quo, the Supreme Court's decision upholds a lower court's ruling, sending Benjamin's case back to trial.