1923年 Harrison Ford和Helen Mirren主演 "1923年" 在Paramount+ 2月23日 返回黑暗的第二季 "1923," starring Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren, returns for a darker second season on Paramount+ February 23.
黄石公园宇宙中的“1923年”预告系列 将于2025年2月23日在派拉蒙特+号 返回第二季 The prequel series "1923," set in the Yellowstone universe, is set to return for its second season on Paramount+ on February 23, 2025. 主演哈里森·福特和海伦·米尔伦 节目跟随Dutton家族 在严寒的冬天面对新的挑战和对手 Starring Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren, the show follows the Dutton family as they confront new challenges and adversaries in a harsh winter. 这一季将会让斯宾塞·达顿 (布兰登·斯克莱纳) 和他的家人重聚,这季被描述为更黑暗,更激烈的情感. The season, which will reunite Spencer Dutton (Brandon Sklenar) with his family, is described as darker and more emotionally intense.