警长办公室寻求帮助 找到小岩石加油站抢劫案的嫌疑人 Sheriff's office seeks help locating suspect in Little Rock gas station robbery.
普拉斯基县治安官办公室正在寻求帮助,以找到一名驾驶红色道奇充电器的黑人女性嫌疑人,她周四早上在小石城的一起加油站抢劫案中被通缉审问。 The Pulaski County Sheriff's Office is seeking help to locate a black female suspect in her red Dodge Charger, wanted for questioning in a gas station robbery in Little Rock on Thursday morning. 嫌犯在枪口下扣留了一名办事员并偷走现金。 The suspect held a clerk at gunpoint and stole cash. 详情见警长办公室的社交媒体。 Details are available on the Sheriff's Office's social media. 任何人如有情报,应拨打501-340-6963的非紧急线。 Anyone with information should call the non-emergency line at 501-340-6963.