七人在新南威尔士农村死于“可怕的”事故,包括速度、酒精和疲劳等因素。 Seven died in "horrific" accidents in rural NSW, with factors including speed, alcohol, and fatigue.
新南威尔士州七人在数日内死于一系列致命事故, 交通和公路巡逻司令官Paul Glinn将此事称为“可怕”。 Seven people died in a series of fatal accidents in regional New South Wales over a few days, described as "horrific" by Traffic and Highway Patrol Command's Superintendent Paul Glinn. 促成因素包括速度、酒精、毒品、安全带使用和司机疲劳。 Contributing factors include speed, alcohol, drugs, seat belt use, and driver fatigue. 尽管区域地区只占全国人口的三分之一,但它们占所有道路死亡人数的三分之二左右。 Despite regional areas constituting only a third of the state's population, they account for about two-thirds of all road deaths. 最近发生的事故发生在12月13-15日,涉及卡车、汽车和骑自行车者。 The recent accidents occurred on December 13-15, involving trucks, cars, and cyclists.