参议院的报告指责亚马逊将生产率置于仓库工人安全之上。 Senate report accuses Amazon of prioritizing productivity over worker safety in warehouses.
参议院委员会一份报告指控亚马逊因生产率问题拒绝其仓库中的安全建议。 A Senate committee report accuses Amazon of rejecting safety recommendations in its warehouses due to productivity concerns. 根据对近500名工人的访谈,报告声称,内部研究发现,工人的速度与工伤之间有联系,但亚马逊地区没有实施变革,理由是潜在的生产力损失。 Based on interviews with nearly 500 workers, the report claims that internal studies found a link between worker speed and injuries, but Amazon did not implement changes, citing potential productivity losses. 公司对调查结果提出异议,称其为“事实错误”和“选择性的、过时的信息”。 The company disputes the findings, calling them "wrong on the facts" and "selective, outdated information."