科学家开发血液测试,将癌症治疗个性化,评估纳米医学对白血病病人的有效性。 Scientists develop a blood test to personalize cancer treatments, assessing effectiveness of nanomedicines on leukemia patients.
RMIT大学和Doherty研究所的科学家开发了新的血液测试,可以使癌症治疗个性化。 Scientists from RMIT University and the Doherty Institute developed a new blood test that could personalize cancer treatments. 通过使用白血病患者的一滴血液,测试评估了不同纳米医学如何很好地杀死癌症细胞,并最大限度地减少副作用。 Using a drop of blood from leukemia patients, the test assesses how well different nanomedicines kill cancer cells and minimize side effects. 这一创新可以指导发展更有效的癌症治疗,帮助为个别病人量身定制治疗方法,从而有可能使白血病和肿瘤癌患者受益。 This innovation could guide the development of more effective cancer treatments and help tailor therapies to individual patients, potentially benefiting those with leukemia and solid-tumor cancers.