巴基斯坦官方呼吁与塔利班谈判, 以实现和平, 批评联邦无所作为。 Pakistani official calls for talks with Taliban to secure peace, critiques federal inaction.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa首席部长Ali Amin Gandapur强调需要与阿富汗塔利班政府会谈,以确保区域和平与安全。 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur emphasizes the need for talks with Afghanistan's Taliban government to ensure regional peace and security. 他批评联邦政府尽管与阿富汗有漫长的边界,却缺乏启动谈判的行动。 He criticizes the federal government for its lack of action on initiating negotiations despite the province's long border with Afghanistan. Gandapur还强调了金伯利进程的成就,包括收入增加44%,他所领导的政府治理得到改善,同时呼吁开展对话,应对跨界挑战。 Gandapur also highlights KP's achievements, including a 44% increase in revenue and improved governance under his administration, while calling for dialogue to address cross-border challenges.