北达科他州发起“$12M 活动以吸引前居民回归,看到 43 次回归”。 North Dakota launches "$12M campaign to lure back former residents, seeing 43 returns."
北达科他州的“寻找美好生活”活动旨在吸引被称为“回旋镖”的前居民回到该州,尤其是在假期期间。 North Dakota's "Find The Good Life" campaign aims to attract former residents, known as "boomerangs," back to the state, especially during the holiday season. 该方案由商务部管理,力求通过强调国家的主要产业和生活方式来解决劳动力短缺问题。 Administered by the Department of Commerce, the program seeks to address workforce shortages by highlighting the state's main industries and lifestyle. 该运动两年的预算为1 200万美元,在广告方面花费了220万美元,产生了1.2亿多份印象和4 100次服务台任务。 With a $12 million budget over two years, the campaign has spent $2.2 million on advertising, generating over 120 million impressions and 4,100 help desk engagements. 迄今为止,它已导致43人返回北达科他州。 So far, it has led to 43 people returning to North Dakota.