尼日利亚编辑成立委员会, 对抗他们所说的危害新闻自由与民主的法律。 Nigerian editors form committee to fight laws they say harm press freedom and democracy.
尼日利亚编辑协会(NGE)成立了一个由五名成员组成的委员会来处理尼日利亚的反媒体法律,他们声称这些法律损害民主和言论自由。 The Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE) has set up a five-member committee to tackle anti-media laws in Nigeria, which they claim harm democracy and free speech. 该委员会将与政府机构合作,修订或废除这些法律,以期加强新闻自由和防止专制环境。 The committee will collaborate with government bodies to amend or repeal these laws, aiming to enhance press freedom and prevent an authoritarian environment. NGE认为,这类法律限制了公众参与和对机构的信任,对于健康的民主至关重要。 The NGE argues that such laws limit public participation and trust in institutions, crucial for a healthy democracy.