由亚历克斯·加兰 (Alex Garland) 和伊拉克退伍军人雷·门多萨 (Ray Mendoza) 执导的新电影《战争》承诺提供真实的战争体验。 New film "Warfare," directed by Alex Garland and Iraq vet Ray Mendoza, promises an authentic war experience.
由Alex Garland和伊拉克战争老兵Ray Mendoza共同导演的一部新影片“战争”, "Warfare," a new film co-directed by Alex Garland and Iraq War veteran Ray Mendoza, offers a gritty, real-time depiction of the Iraq War. 这部电影由威尔·保尔特 (Will Poulter) 和诺亚·琴蒂内奥 (Noah Centineo) 等演员主演,讲述了一个排的海豹突击队员的故事,旨在根据门多萨的回忆提供发自内心的、真实的战争体验。 Starring actors like Will Poulter and Noah Centineo, the movie follows a platoon of Navy SEALs and aims to provide a visceral, authentic war experience based on Mendoza's memories. 将在2025年初发布,“战争”承诺对战斗进行强烈的、真实的、终身的描绘。 Set for release in early 2025, "Warfare" promises an intense, true-to-life portrayal of combat.