“Wellerman”歌手 Nathan Evans 支持苏格兰再野化联盟 (Scottish Rewilding Alliance) 的目标,即重新野化苏格兰 30% 的陆地和海洋。 Nathan Evans, "Wellerman" singer, backs Scottish Rewilding Alliance's goal to rewild 30% of Scotland’s land and seas.
苏格兰歌手内森·埃文斯 (Nathan Evans) 以其热门歌曲“Wellerman”而闻名,他支持苏格兰再野化联盟 (SRA) 的运动,以野化苏格兰 30% 的陆地和海洋。 Scottish singer Nathan Evans, known for his hit "Wellerman," has supported the Scottish Rewilding Alliance's (SRA) campaign to rewild 30% of Scotland's land and seas. SRA 是一个由 20 多个保护团体组成的联盟,旨在恢复泥炭地、林地和湿地等栖息地,同时维护农田。 The SRA, a coalition of over 20 conservation groups, aims to restore habitats like peatlands, woodlands, and wetlands while maintaining farmland. 埃文斯敦促他的220万社交媒体追随者签署《苏共和军重建民族宪章》。 Evans urged his 2.2 million social media followers to sign the SRA's Rewilding Nation Charter. 苏格兰政府已经承诺为自然恢复项目提供6 500万英镑。 The Scottish Government has already committed £65 million to nature restoration projects.