LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault(LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault)在2013至2016年间因雇佣间谍监督批评者而面临审判。 LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault faces trial for hiring spies to monitor critics from 2013 to 2016.
2013年至2016年, 伯纳德·阿尔诺(Bernard Arnault)领导的豪华商品巨头LVMH因雇用一名前法国情报主任监视批评者(包括电影制片人Francois Ruffin和Fakir活动团体Fakir)而面临法庭审判。 Luxury goods giant LVMH, led by Bernard Arnault, faced a court trial for hiring a former French intelligence chief to spy on critics, including filmmaker Francois Ruffin and activist group Fakir, from 2013 to 2016. LVMH为逃避起诉支付了1 000万欧元,但现在正在接受检查,Arnault作证说,他不知道监视情况。 LVMH paid €10 million to avoid prosecution but is now under scrutiny, with Arnault testifying that he was unaware of the surveillance. 案件凸显了法国商业和政治领域之间的紧张关系,并提出了公司压制批评的策略问题。 The case highlights tensions between French business and political spheres and raises questions about corporate tactics to suppress criticism.