Kayali发射Yum Boujee Marshmallow 81香水,混合甜味香味,为芳香和长寿赢得高评。 Kayali launches Yum Boujee Marshmallow 81 perfume, blending sweet scents and earning high reviews for aroma and longevity.
Kayali 的新款 Yum Boujee Marshmallow 81 香水结合了草莓奶昔和香草蛋糕的香味,因其持久性和令人愉悦的香气而在丝芙兰上获得 4.6/5 的评分。 Kayali's new Yum Boujee Marshmallow 81 perfume combines strawberry milkshake and vanilla cake scents, receiving a 4.6/5 rating on Sephora for its longevity and pleasant aroma. 以100毫升、50毫升和10毫升的尺寸提供,其费用分别为107英镑、79英镑和28英镑。 Available in 100ml, 50ml, and 10ml sizes, it costs £107, £79, and £28 respectively. 一些用户虽然赞扬其松散的气味,但注意到对其寿命的审查好坏参半。 While praised for its indulgent smell, some users noted mixed reviews on its longevity. 它与诸如YSL黑鸦片红和Prada Paradoxe等香气相竞争。 It competes with fragrances like YSL Black Opium Red and Prada Paradoxe.