堪萨斯市首府的明星QB Patrick Mahomes 脚踝受伤了 但被列为"每周一周" Kansas City Chiefs' star QB Patrick Mahomes injured his ankle but is listed as "week-to-week."
Patrick Mahomes 堪萨斯市酋长的明星四分卫 在12月15日克利夫兰布朗队21比7胜时 脚踝受伤 Patrick Mahomes, the Kansas City Chiefs' star quarterback, suffered an ankle injury during a 21-7 win over the Cleveland Browns on December 15. X光片是阴性的, 但Mahomes现在被认为是"每周一周"。 X-rays were negative, but Mahomes is now considered "week-to-week." 受伤的原因是酋长们在11天内 面临三场比赛的繁忙日程 包括一场圣诞日比赛 与匹兹堡钢铁人比赛 The injury comes as the Chiefs face a busy schedule with three games in 11 days, including a Christmas Day game against the Pittsburgh Steelers. 后援的四分卫卡森温兹 在第四季度接管。 Backup quarterback Carson Wentz took over in the fourth quarter. Mahomes对季后赛的长期健康是小组的一个优先事项。 Mahomes' long-term health for the playoffs is a priority for the team.