爱尔兰监管者下令在Facebook上打击恐怖主义内容, Irish regulators order Facebook to combat terrorist content, threatening Meta with hefty fines.
爱尔兰监管者Coimisiún na Meán下令Meta拥有的Facebook采取措施, 打击平台上的恐怖主义内容, The Irish regulator Coimisiún na Meán has ordered Facebook, owned by Meta, to take measures against terrorist content on its platform, following EU rules that found it "exposed" after receiving multiple removal orders. Meta必须在三个月内报告采取的步骤,可能因不遵守规定而被处以最高达全球营业额4%的罚款。 Meta must report on steps taken within three months, with potential fines up to 4% of global turnover for non-compliance. 这是在针对Instagram、TikTok和X采取类似行动之后发生的。 This comes after similar actions against Instagram, TikTok, and X.