拉胡尔·甘地批评印度人民党偏爱古老的印度教文本而不是宪法,如果当选,他承诺将进行改革。 Rahul Gandhi criticizes BJP for favoring ancient Hindu text over Constitution, pledges reforms if elected.
国大党领袖拉胡尔·甘地 (Rahul Gandhi) 在人民院批评印度人民党政府,指责其破坏宪法并支持古老的印度教文本 Manusmriti 而不是现代宪法。 Rahul Gandhi, the Congress leader, criticized the BJP government in the Lok Sabha, accusing it of undermining the Constitution and supporting Manusmriti, an ancient Hindu text, over the modern Constitution. 甘地声称政府通过各种政策伤害青年、农民和边缘化群体。 Gandhi alleged the government was harming youth, farmers, and marginalized groups through various policies. 他还强调了社会正义问题,并承诺如果当选,将进行种姓普查并取消 50% 的保留上限。 He also highlighted social justice issues and promised to conduct a caste census and remove the 50% reservation cap if elected. 印度人民党捍卫宪法并批评国大党对宪法价值的立场。 The BJP defended the Constitution and critiqued the Congress's stance on constitutional values.