由非侵入性超声波系统 治疗胰腺癌 在新的试验中。 HistoSonics starts treating pancreatic cancer with a non-invasive ultrasound system in a new trial.
HistoSonics 已开始使用其无创 Edison 组织碎石系统治疗胰腺癌患者,该系统使用聚焦超声来破坏肿瘤。 HistoSonics has begun treating pancreatic cancer patients with its non-invasive Edison histotripsy system, which uses focused ultrasound to destroy tumors. GANNON试验在巴塞罗那圣波医院进行,目的是评价多达30名患有晚期胰腺癌的病人使用这一技术的安全性。 The GANNON trial, at Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, aims to evaluate the safety of this technology in up to 30 patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. 这种创新治疗为目前治疗选择有限的患者提供了一种潜在的非外科治疗选择。 This innovative treatment offers a potential non-surgical option for patients with limited current treatment choices.