27岁的Gabrielle Jones 因在Shelby县感恩节晚上刺伤多人被捕 Gabrielle Jones, 27, arrested for stabbing multiple people on Thanksgiving night in Shelby County.
Gabrielle Jones, 27岁, 被控在感恩节晚上刺伤多人, 被Greenbrook公寓的Shelby县警察局逮捕。 Gabrielle Jones, a 27-year-old accused of stabbing multiple people on Thanksgiving night, was arrested by the Shelby County Sheriff's Office at Greenbrook Apartments. Jones面临指控,包括二级谋杀未遂和严重攻击。 Jones faces charges including attempted second-degree murder and aggravated assault. 逮捕时没有发生任何事件,治安官办公室感谢公众的协助。 The arrest occurred without incident, with the Sheriff's Office thanking the public for assistance.