第四届沙迦活动节结束时,有30 000多名游客参观,并启动了《沙迦活动议程2025年》。 The fourth Sharjah Events Festival concluded with over 30,000 visitors and launched the Sharjah Events Agenda 2025.
第四届沙迦活动节在Al Majaz Amphitheatre结束,有30,000多名游客。 The fourth Sharjah Events Festival concluded at Al Majaz Amphitheatre with over 30,000 visitors. 为期四天的活动有52项活动,包括竞赛、游戏和所有年龄的现场表演。 The four-day event featured 52 activities including contests, games, and live performances for all ages. 该节发起了《2025年沙迦活动议程》,展示了与24个政府和私营实体合作即将举办的活动,肯定沙迦作为文化和娱乐中心的作用。 The festival launched the Sharjah Events Agenda 2025, showcasing upcoming events with collaborations from 24 government and private entities, affirming Sharjah's role as a cultural and entertainment hub.