曾经的"日出"主持人萨曼莎·阿尔米泰奇 (Samantha Armytage) 于12月16日重返电视, Ex-Sunrise host Samantha Armytage returns to TV, co-hosting Nine's Today show on December 16.
桑桑塔·阿尔米泰奇 (Samantha Armytage) 是前太阳升起的联合主持人,于12月16日首次出现在竞争对手的"今日"节目中,与丹·安斯蒂 (Dan Anstey) 共同主持. Samantha Armytage, a former Sunrise co-host, debuted on rival channel Nine's Today show on December 16, co-hosting with Dan Anstey. 她于2021年离开她以前在七世日出时的角色, She left her previous role on Seven's Sunrise in 2021, after announcing plans to step back from the public eye following her marriage. Armytage 最近宣布与她的丈夫 Richard Lavender 友好分居。 Armytage recently announced an amicable separation from her husband, Richard Lavender. 她回到九岁,标志着她职业生涯的重大转变,因为她为固定东道主Karl Stefanovic和Sarah Abo填补了空缺。 Her return to Nine marks a significant career move, as she fills in for regular hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo.