海豚队的明星外接手杰伦·沃德尔 (Jaylen Waddle) 膝盖受伤,可能会影响他们的季后赛机会。 Dolphins' star wide receiver Jaylen Waddle suffered a knee injury, potentially impacting their playoff chances.
迈阿密海豚队的 wide receiver Jaylen Waddle 在周日对阵休斯顿德克萨斯人的比赛中受伤, Miami Dolphins wide receiver Jaylen Waddle left Sunday's game against the Houston Texans with a knee injury after his leg was caught under a linebacker. 伤害的程度尚不清楚,但它已经影响到海豚的性能和决赛前景,因为Waddle是一个关键玩家。 The extent of the injury is unclear, but it has already impacted the Dolphins' performance and playoff prospects, as Waddle has been a key player. 在受伤之前,Waddle的比赛很艰难,上半场没有渔获。 Prior to the injury, Waddle had a tough game, with no catches in the first half. 他的返回状况仍然值得怀疑。 His status for returning remains questionable.