底特律狮子队失去了关键的后卫 戴维斯和多西 在上半场受伤 与水牛比尔。 Detroit Lions lose key cornerbacks Davis and Dorsey to injuries in first half against Buffalo Bills.
底特律雄狮队在对阵布法罗比尔队的比赛中面临挑战,角卫卡尔顿戴维斯三世和哈利勒多尔西在上半场因伤缺阵。 The Detroit Lions faced challenges against the Buffalo Bills, losing cornerbacks Carlton Davis III and Khalil Dorsey to injuries in the first half. Davis是因脑震荡协议和下巴受伤而离开的,而Dorsey则因脚踝受伤而被运走。 Davis left due to concussion protocol and a jaw injury, while Dorsey was carted off with an ankle injury. 狮子队因伤痛而挣扎,特别是在防守方面,像艾丹·哈钦森这样的主要球员已经出赛了。 The Lions have struggled with injuries, particularly on the defensive side, with key players like Aidan Hutchinson already out for the season.