一名被拘留者在被看守期间从列克星顿的一家英国医院逃跑;当局正在搜寻她。 A detainee escaped from a UK hospital in Lexington while under guard; authorities are searching for her.
一名37岁的被拘留者Paige Aich在星期日下午8时左右在被看守期间从列克星顿联合王国医院逃出。 A 37-year-old detainee, Paige Aich, escaped from UK Hospital in Lexington around 8 p.m. Sunday while under guard. 当局正在搜寻她。 Authorities are searching for her. 最后一次看到她穿着蓝色的医院礼服、白色的毯子和黑色的短裤。 She was last seen wearing a blue hospital gown, a white blanket, and black leggings. 艾希有粉红色的头发 身高5英尺6英寸 Aich has pink hair and is 5 feet 6 inches tall. 要求公众与列克星顿警察局或布鲁格拉斯犯罪制止者联系,协助查找她的下落。 The public is asked to assist in locating her by contacting the Lexington Police Department or Bluegrass Crime Stoppers.