书中强调原住民在寄宿学校创伤中的应变能力, Book highlights Indigenous resilience amid residential school trauma, as U.S. marks Native suffering site.
Crystal Fraser的著作《力量,我们仍在此》审视西北地区寄宿学校土著学生的经验。 Crystal Fraser's book, "By Strength, We Are Still Here," examines the experiences of Indigenous students in residential schools in the Northwest Territories. 在访谈和档案研究的基础上,该书强调了同化努力下的土著社区的创伤和复原力。 Based on interviews and archival research, the book highlights both the trauma and resilience of Indigenous communities under assimilation efforts. 与此同时,成立了Carlisle联邦印第安寄宿学校国家纪念碑,以承认美国土著学生在美国一所臭名昭著的寄宿学校中遭受的苦难,这标志着朝向解决历史创伤迈出了一步。 Meanwhile, the Carlisle Federal Indian Boarding School National Monument was established to acknowledge the suffering of Native American students at a notorious US boarding school, marking a step towards addressing historical trauma.