比尔·贝里希克 (Bill Belichick) 考虑聘请斯科特·特纳 (Scott Turner) 作为北卡罗来纳大学的进攻协调员,等待突袭者队的决定。 Bill Belichick considers hiring Scott Turner as UNC's offensive coordinator, pending Raiders' decisions.
北卡罗来纳州塔希尔斯大学新任总教练比尔·贝利奇克(Bill Belichick)正在考虑由拉斯维加斯突击队临时进攻协调员斯科特·特纳(Scott Turner)担任同一职务。 Bill Belichick, the new head coach of the University of North Carolina Tar Heels, is considering Scott Turner, the interim offensive coordinator for the Las Vegas Raiders, for the same role at UNC. 特纳在大学和 NFL 教练方面拥有丰富的经验,包括担任黑豹队和指挥官队的 OC。 Turner has extensive experience in both college and NFL coaching, including stints as OC for the Panthers and Commanders. 他可能转会到北卡罗来纳大学可能取决于突袭者队对即将到来的赛季的决定。 His potential move to UNC may hinge on the Raiders' decisions for the upcoming season.