拜登签署了弗朗西斯·帕金斯国家纪念碑 (Frances Perkins National Monument) 公告,以纪念这位开创性的劳工部长。 Biden signs proclamation for Frances Perkins National Monument, honoring the pioneering Labor Secretary.
乔·拜登总统将签署一项公告,在缅因州纽卡斯尔设立弗朗切斯·佩金斯国家纪念碑,以表彰第一位女性内阁秘书和新政的关键人物。 President Joe Biden will sign a proclamation establishing the Frances Perkins National Monument in Newcastle, Maine, honoring the first female Cabinet secretary and a key figure in the New Deal. Perkins在FDR下担任劳工秘书,在制订《社会保障法》和其他劳工法方面发挥了关键作用。 Perkins, who served as Labor Secretary under FDR, played a crucial role in creating the Social Security Act and other labor laws. 该纪念碑位于她的家,标志着拜登努力强调他对妇女和劳动权利的承诺。 The monument, located on her family homestead, marks Biden's effort to highlight his commitment to women's and labor rights. 内政部长Deb Haaland还将宣布另外五座纪念碑,以增加妇女历史的代表性。 Interior Secretary Deb Haaland will also announce five other monuments to enhance representation of women's history.