匿名捐赠者向印第安纳的救世军提供价值高达6万美元的稀有金币。 Anonymous donor gives rare gold nugget worth up to $60,000 to Salvation Army in Indiana.
在印第安纳州新奥尔巴尼市的一位匿名捐赠者向救世军的红克特尔运动捐赠了价值40 000至60 000美元的稀有金子。 An anonymous donor in New Albany, Indiana, donated a rare gold nugget valued between $40,000 and $60,000 to the Salvation Army's Red Kettle Campaign. 这笔捐款在澳大利亚成立, 是一项挑战, 旨在为帮助家庭租房、公用设施、食物及青年计划的地方方案募集资金。 Found in Australia, the donation is part of a challenge aiming to raise funds for local programs aiding families with rent, utilities, food, and youth programs. 救世军上尉们对这项变革性礼物深表感谢。 The Salvation Army captains expressed deep gratitude for the transformative gift.