Alyssa Winters,26岁,在奥兰多袭击并杀害一名行人后因酒后驾车被捕。 Alyssa Winters, 26, arrested for DUI after she struck and killed a pedestrian in Orlando.
26岁的司机Alyssa Winters在奥兰多South Orange Blossom Trail于星期天清晨发生致命的车祸, A fatal crash occurred early Sunday morning on South Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando when a 26-year-old driver, Alyssa Winters, struck and killed a pedestrian who was crossing the road without using a crosswalk. 事件发生后,Winters因驾驶受影响(DUI)而被逮捕。 Winters was arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) after the incident. 佛罗里达州公路巡逻队正在继续调查此案。 The Florida Highway Patrol is continuing to investigate the case.