演员迈克尔・史蒂文森暗示 他的"Casualty"人物 Iain Dean的潜在死亡 在圣诞特别节目中。 Actor Michael Stevenson hinted at his "Casualty" character Iain Dean's potential death in the Christmas special.
扮演伊恩·迪恩的伤亡演员迈克尔·史蒂文森 在即将到来的圣诞特别节目中 暗示了自己角色的潜在死亡 Casualty actor Michael Stevenson, who plays Iain Dean, hinted at his character's potential death in the upcoming Christmas special. 剧集预告片显示伊恩在车祸中,引发了关于他生存的猜测. The episode's trailer shows Iain in a car crash, raising speculation about his survival. 史蒂文森在激烈的场景中表示兴奋。 Stevenson expressed excitement over the intense scenes. 特别节目"圣诞节我想要的一切"还包括献血者和关键工作者的真实见证. The special, titled "All I Want For Christmas," also includes real-life testimonies from blood donors and key workers.