一名2岁儿童在西弗吉尼亚州洛根县被致命枪杀;调查正在进行中。 A 2-year-old child was fatally shot in Logan County, West Virginia; investigation is ongoing.
周六上午在查普曼维尔附近的西弗吉尼亚州洛根县,一名2岁儿童被致命枪击身亡。 A 2-year-old child was fatally shot in Logan County, West Virginia, on Saturday morning near Chapmanville. 西弗吉尼亚州警察局和洛根县治安官办公室正在调查这起事件。 The West Virginia State Police and Logan County Sheriff's Office are investigating the incident. 当局尚未公布进一步详情,但随着调查的继续,将提供最新情况。 Authorities have not released further details but will provide updates as the investigation continues.