华盛顿,康涅狄格州 成为首个使用超速摄像头 打击超速的州 Washington, Connecticut, becomes the first in the state to use speed cameras to combat speeding.
位于康涅狄格州华盛顿市的3,646镇将成为首个部署超速摄像头的州级城镇,旨在降低鲍德温山路和其他两个地点的超速速度。 Washington, Connecticut, a town of 3,646, will become the first in the state to deploy speed cameras, aimed at reducing speeding on Baldwin Hill Road and two other locations. 经康涅狄格州交通部批准,该计划击败了斯塔姆福德和纽黑文等大城市。 Approved by the Connecticut Department of Transportation, the plan beat out larger cities like Stamford and New Haven. 超速是当地官员最关心的问题, 摄像头会为超速驾驶员开罚单。 Speeding is a top concern for local officials, and the cameras will issue tickets to speeding drivers. 该方案要求国防部每三年核准一次。 The program requires DOT approval every three years.