美国向台湾运送了38辆M1A2T Abrams坦克,这是1.25B军事现代化交易的一部分。 US delivers 38 M1A2T Abrams tanks to Taiwan, part of $1.25B deal for military modernization.
美国第一批38辆M1A2T Abrams坦克已抵达台湾,这是2019年宣布的108辆坦克交易的一部分。 The first batch of 38 M1A2T Abrams tanks from the US has arrived in Taiwan, part of a 108-tank deal announced in 2019. 购买12.5亿美元是为了使台湾的军队现代化,其坦克速度更快,目标能力比目前的型号要强。 The $1.25 billion purchase is meant to modernize Taiwan's military, with tanks that are faster and have better aiming capabilities than current models. 然而,一位中国军事专家认为,这些重型坦克由于燃料消耗量高,易受无人机和直升机攻击,不适合台湾岛国作战。 However, a Chinese military expert argues that these heavy tanks are not ideal for Taiwan's island combat due to their high fuel consumption and vulnerability to drones and helicopters.