阿联酋在科威特的阿拉伯能源组织会议上强调了合作与可持续性。 The UAE highlighted cooperation and sustainability at the Arab Energy Organisation's meeting in Kuwait.
阿联酋出席了在科威特举行的阿拉伯能源组织第113次部长级会议,各国部长在会上讨论了该组织2025年预算,并更新了阿拉伯石油输出国组织(欧佩克)的名称。 The UAE attended the 113th ministerial meeting of the Arab Energy Organisation (AEO) in Kuwait, where ministers discussed the organisation's 2025 budget and updated its name from the Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries Organisation (OAPEC). 阿联酋代表团由谢里夫·奥拉马率领,强调必须加强成员国之间的合作,以应对能源部门的挑战和促进可持续性。 Led by Sharif Al Olama, the UAE delegation emphasized the need for enhanced cooperation among member states to tackle energy sector challenges and promote sustainability.