邓普顿新兴市场基金宣布了0.51美元的红利,标志着三年来平均增长59.2%。 Templeton Emerging Markets Fund announces a $0.51 dividend, marking a 59.2% average increase over three years.
坦普顿新兴市场基金(EMF)宣布,12月31日向12月16日创记录的股东支付年红利,每股0.51美元,收益率为1.2%。 The Templeton Emerging Markets Fund (EMF) has announced an annual dividend of $0.51 per share, with a 1.2% yield, to be paid on December 31st to shareholders of record on December 16th. 这标志着显著增长,在过去三年中平均每年增长59.2%。 This marks a significant increase, averaging 59.2% annually over the last three years. 在宣布日,EMF的份额增加了0.5美元,达到12.82美元。 Shares of EMF rose $0.05 on the announcement day to $12.82. 该基金由Templeton资产管理有限公司管理,对新兴市场股票进行投资。 The fund, managed by Templeton Asset Management Ltd, invests in emerging market equities.