南达科他州立 Jackrabbits 以 55-14 击败 Incarnate Word,晋级 FCS 半决赛。 South Dakota State Jackrabbits thrashed Incarnate Word 55-14, advancing to FCS semifinals.
南达科他州杰克比特人在FCS小决赛中击败了Word 55-14, 向半决赛前进。 South Dakota State Jackrabbits defeated Incarnate Word 55-14 in the FCS quarterfinals, advancing to the semifinals. 在马克·格罗诺夫斯基 (Mark Gronowski) 的 3 次达阵传球和两次冲刺达阵的带领下,杰克兔队早早占据主导地位,获得了前 38 分。 Led by Mark Gronowski's three touchdown passes and two rushing touchdowns, the Jackrabbits dominated early, scoring the first 38 points. 尽管扎克·卡尔扎达 (Zach Calzada) 为 Incarnate Word 传球 249 码,但他们的防守却很挣扎。 Despite Zach Calzada's 249 passing yards for Incarnate Word, their defense struggled. 南达科他州在下一轮将面临北达科他州或Mercer。 South Dakota State will face either North Dakota State or Mercer in the next round.