6人死于巴基斯坦各地多起交通事故中, Six people died in multiple traffic accidents across Pakistan, with reckless driving suspected.
包括一名年轻女孩在内的四人于星期六在全市各处的交通事故中死亡。 Four people, including a young girl, died in separate traffic accidents across the city on Saturday. 1岁儿童被摩托车击中,2名摩托车手在卡车事故中死亡。 A 1-year-old was hit by a motorcycle, and two motorcyclists died after a truck accident. 在另一起事件中,一名28岁的老人在一辆人力车和一辆拖车的碰撞中丧生。 In another incident, a 28-year-old died in a collision between a rickshaw and a trailer. 在巴基斯坦,比什凯克的Madina市场附近发生车祸,造成两名巴基斯坦国民死亡,另有三人受伤,其中一人伤势严重。 In Pakistan, a car accident near Madina market in Bishkek killed two Pakistani nationals, with three others injured, one critically. 在卡拉奇,包括一名妇女和一名10岁男孩在内的三人在不同事件中死亡,另外两人受伤。 In Karachi, three people, including a woman and a 10-year-old boy, died in separate incidents, with two others injured. 在许多此类事故中,无脑驾驶被怀疑是原因之一。 Reckless driving is suspected as a cause in many of these accidents.