一张罕见的库克船长奖牌,曾经授予太平洋当地人,在拍卖时以6 500英镑的价格出售,其估计值增加了两倍。 A rare Captain Cook medal, once given to Pacific locals, sold for £6,500 at auction, tripling its estimate.
由约瑟夫·班克斯爵士授命,由海军上将支付一笔罕见的库克上尉奖章,在Wiltshire拍卖会上售出6 500英镑,超过其2 000英镑估计数的三倍。 A rare Captain Cook medal, commissioned by Sir Joseph Banks and paid for by the Admiralty, sold for £6,500 at a Wiltshire auction, more than tripling its £2,000 estimate. 在仅2 000枚铜牌中,其中一枚颁发给太平洋当地人,让他们向乔治三世国王介绍铜牌。 One of only 2,000 made, the brass medal was given to locals in the Pacific to introduce them to King George III. 现在它将成为博物馆收藏的一部分。 It will now be part of a museum collection. 其他值得注意的物品,包括罕有的马耳他硬币和俄罗斯金币,销售量也远远高于估计数。 Other notable items, including a rare Maltese coin and a Russian gold coin, also sold well above estimates.