Payton和Grant电台主播在全国广播电台报道的圣诞节活动期间在广播中消费了大麻食用量。 Radio hosts Payton & Grant consumed cannabis edibles on air during a Christmas event, reported by radio stations nationwide.
Payton & Grant,无线电界人士,参加了一次圣诞节主题活动,他们在那里食用大麻食用食用物,波特兰、凤凰城等不同城市的多个广播电台报道了这一情况。 Payton & Grant, radio personalities, participated in a Christmas-themed event where they consumed cannabis edibles, as reported by multiple radio stations across different cities including Portland, Phoenix, and others. 这场活动似乎是娱乐听众的节日喜庆。 The event seems to be a holiday gimmick to entertain listeners.