卡塔尔2025年预算侧重于卫生、教育和旅游业,预计赤字为132亿卡塔尔雷亚尔。 Qatar's 2025 budget focuses on health, education, and tourism, with a projected QR13.2 billion deficit.
卡塔尔2025年预算总额为2 102亿卡塔尔雷亚尔,强调在卫生、教育以及贸易和旅游等战略部门的开支。 Qatar's 2025 budget, totaling QR210.2 billion, emphasizes spending on health, education, and strategic sectors like trade and tourism. 预算将20%用于卫生和教育,并计划新建学校和医院发展。 The budget allocates 20% to health and education, with plans for new schools and hospital developments. 预期收入为1 970亿卡塔尔雷亚尔,预计赤字为132亿卡塔尔雷亚尔。 Expected revenues are QR197 billion, leading to a projected deficit of QR13.2 billion. 石油和天然气收入估计数的保守做法旨在确保金融稳定并支持经济多样化目标。 The conservative approach to oil and gas revenue estimates aims to ensure financial stability and support economic diversification goals.