北爱尔兰警方调查了一名妇女在班布里奇突然死亡的事件 该地区被封锁为探矿区 Police in Northern Ireland investigate the sudden death of a woman in Banbridge, with the area cordoned off for the probe.
北爱尔兰班布里奇(Banbridge)警方正在调查一名妇女于星期六晚上6点左右在劳蕾尔高地突然死亡的事件。 Police in Banbridge, Northern Ireland, are investigating the sudden death of a woman in Laurel Heights on Saturday evening around 6 PM GMT. 应急服务被叫到现场,但没有人被带走。 Emergency services were called to the scene, but no one was taken away. 当地议员卡拉·洛克哈特(Carla Lockhart)要求尊重和保障社区及应急服务隐私。 The area has been cordoned off for the investigation, and local MP Carla Lockhart has asked for respect and privacy for the community and emergency services.